About CAF

Contemporary Art and Feminism Project Archive responds to what we perceive as a massive groundswell in engagement and curiosity about feminism’s role in the development of contemporary art and its current relevance to art-making and analysis. CAF aims to be a major point of coalescence for this groundswell, to facilitate collaboration and communication that may grow into specific events and outcomes, such as exhibitions, online archives, publications, conferences and symposia.

The project is being steered by academics and curators with a long-standing commitment to the making, documentation, analysis and promotion of art practice and art writing which is informed by feminism and contributes to feminist understandings of our social and political realities.

CAF has a number of existing objectives, but is responsive to changes that emerge from a growing number of active voices. At this stage, we are aiming to:

  • Create a community of artists, writers, researchers with a common interest in the generative relationship between contemporary art and feminism
  • Create an online presence, through a combination of blog, website and social media, that acts as a resource for this community and the general public for information about events and activities that engage with contemporary art and feminism
  • Create an ever expanding archive of feminist materials relating to contemporary art and its modernist forebears that represents the most dynamic and current thinking in the field
  • Provide a platform for the development of collaborative research projects on specific issues relating to the links between contemporary art and feminism
  • Host activities and events, including symposia, exhibitions, performances and forums, that may lead to scholarly publications and outcomes as well as generate broader interest in feminist perspectives on the visual arts.

Contact CAF

CAF is convened by Jo Holder, Jacqueline Millner and Catriona Moore. Share your ideas. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Link to Contemporary Art and Feminism > www.ContemporaryArtandFeminism.com
Like us on Facebook! > www.facebook.com/ContemporaryArtandFeminism